The Brothers Grail

Welcome to the Brothers Grail podcast, a delightfully humorous and unabashedly vulgar journey through the sacred scriptures led by three middle-aged, Aussie brothers. Raised in a non-religious household, Big Brother Quindogg embarked on a mission to delve into the depths of the Old & New Testament, driven by a curiosity for the lesser-known passages often overlooked by mainstream religion. Little did he know, the journey would take a comically unexpected turn merely a page in, as the bizarre and intriguing revelations of the text began to unfold. Enter the younger brothers, The Captain & K-Bevan, joining Quindogg in this chaotic yet earnest spiritual exploration. Together, they form a tight-knit trio, bound by their shared skepticism and insatiable thirst for knowledge. In each episode, Quindogg assumes the role of the guide, attempting to rein in K-Bevan’s impulsive jumps ahead and The Captain’s winding rants, while leading his brothers and listeners through the ancient verses of the Bible, fearlessly uncovering its misogyny, brutality, hypocrisy, and frankly strange stories and teachings. Join us as we embark on an immature yet thought-provoking and often clumsily humorous odyssey through the sacred texts, navigating the realms of faith, mysticism, and the unexpected. Whether you’re a seasoned believer, a curious skeptic, or simply intrigued by the complexities of religious literature, the Brothers Grail podcast invites you to join our non-fanatical congregation as we embark on a quest for enlightenment, one chapter at a time. Join us on our search for the Brothers Grail

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Sunday May 26, 2024

In the captivating inaugural episode of 'The Brothers Grail' podcast, an invigorating approach on understanding the Bible is presented. Kicking off the discussion with the biblical book of Genesis, the Brothers Grail explore the creation story from an intriguing new perspective.The episode enthuses listeners as traditional landowners of North Queensland and Melbourne are acknowledged, applauding their role as first storytellers and custodians of their lands for over 65,000 years. The Brothers Grail embark on an expedition, dissecting intricate aspects of the Bible, from the creation of the universe to the creation of flora and fauna, leaving the audience engaged and enthralled.Employing sharp wit, lively debate, and thought-provoking interpretations, the Brothers Grail paint an unconventional narrative of the Bible. Deep-diving into the scriptures, they explore the symbolic meanings of diverse events, objects, and characters, illuminating new understandings on one of the world's most read literary pieces.The episode concludes with a compelling discussion on Genesis's first two chapters, analyzing various themes - from the mystery of human creation to the surreal Garden of Eden. Join the Brothers Grail on this enlightening journey, and experience the Bible through a fresh and engaging lens.The 'Unraveling Adam & Eve: Genesis Revisited' episode of The Brothers Grail challenges the norm, dissecting narratives, questioning traditional beliefs, and presenting a unique view on the biblical creation story. Don't miss out on this insightful and engaging understanding of one of history's most debated texts.

Sunday Jun 02, 2024

Quindogg, K-Bevan and the Captain continue on in the Old Testament. After episode 1 covered the creation of the universe & introduced Adam & Eve, we continue just after god booted them out of the garden of eden. 
Kane & Abel do their thing, husbands know their wife’s to populate the earth but god isn’t happy. Enter Noah. 
There’s a long and random segment by The Captain, inspired by a man on the street trying to sign him up to the church. K-Bevan puts in the performance of a lifetime but is still probably going to hell. 
The Brothers Grail is still learning as we go… and it shows. Stick with us :) 

Sunday Jun 09, 2024

Hey there, friends! Welcome back to another wild episode with the Brothers Grail! We kick things off with some laughs and banter as we dive into the chaotic aftermath of Noah's flood. Did you know Noah got drunk and naked in his tent? Yeah, that happened! 😅 We also untangle the confusing genealogy of Noah's descendants, and meet our new heroes, Abram and Lot. Oh, and there's a barren lady named Sarai who promises to spice things up. 🚀 But the real kicker? God decides that humans are getting along too well, so he scatters them across the Earth and gives them different languages. Classic God move, right? 🌍 So buckle up for a fun and bizarre journey through Genesis chapters 7-11. Trust us, you don't want to miss this one! 🙌

Sunday Jun 16, 2024

Hey friends! Welcome back to another episode of The Brothers Grail, where we dive into the Bible with a modern twist. This time, we're covering chapters 12 to 14 of Genesis, and things get wild. Abram's on the move, and he's got some questionable tactics up his sleeve.
We chat about everything from Abram's journey, the infamous wife-pimping incident, and a big war that somehow stays boring. Plus, we get into a deep discussion about how these ancient stories stack up against modern ethics and history.
It's a mix of laughs, face-palms, and genuine curiosity. So grab a drink, kick back, and let's explore these ancient tales together!

6 days ago

Hey there! Buckle up for an epic ride as we dive into the hilarious and jaw-dropping adventures of Abram (now Abraham) and his crew. From wild side missions to sneaky attacks, this episode has it all! We'll even witness some divine name changes and, yep, some rather unexpected baby-making drama. Trust me, you won't want to miss this one. So grab your favorite snack and get ready to laugh, gasp, and maybe even cringe a little. Let's get biblical, my friend!


The Brothers Grail

Three untalented, uneducated and non-religious aussie brothers read and talk about the bible.

Quindogg is the big brother - he reads the bible - he is the smartest and best looking - he wrote this.

The Captain is the middle brother - he is the loudest & most opinionated - he is nappropriate - listen to him


K-Bevan is the baby brother - he will have the most insightful thoughts... when Quindogg and The Captain shutup!!! 

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